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If you'd like to see…

If you'd like to see all of the art I've been creating for the January Month of Good Mornings art challenge, you can check out my Creatr profile here: https://creatr.nostr.wine/profile/npub1jdtdqz9tyf4tdvy2k0rnjqz5dv5rd3yvw5nlpefn9syjqx37dhyqxwh0c8

All of the finished art are public posts, open for anyone to see. These are 6” x 4.5” on mixed media paper.

The “Subscribe to unlock” posts are process notes with photos of the supplies I used and the steps I took to create each of the finished artworks.

I’ve hand-draw a few of the GM text, though most are printed from the PDF that is also available to subscribers.

If you want to join the art challenge, share your art with the hashtag #nostrartstrJan2025 - thanks!!!

#artchallenge #art #artstr #mixedmediaart #gm #nostronly #creatr

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